Brain pain and a bikini:



“Slap it silly and deep fry it.”

“Huh?” I said eloquently. Being a writer I have a large vocabulary at my disposal, yet this was the example thereof.

‘Your brain, dear,” said the Muse.

“You have lost me,” I said the look of confusion on my face a sure sign that the hamster in my head had fallen off the wheel and was lying on the ground hyperventilating. We all have a hamster in our heads whether we acknowledge it or not. The hamster, mine is called Sir Laughalot, is in charge of the firing of neurons which in turn sends neurotransmitters across the synapses. Tadaa you have brain function! If you are a visual creature like me this consists of comic book pictures which flash before your eyes. Sir Laughalot is usually filled to the brim with energy drinks and can run ad infinitum. Sometimes, as now, he falls off and brain function deteriorates and I become a monosyllabic Neanderthal, which explains why I felt the need to grunt.

She sighed, exasperated by the sudden onset of idiocy on my part.

“Weren’t you just staring at the computer screen wondering what to do with your brain that seemed stuck?”

“Well…yes,” I said as the hamster rose from the ground, shook his head until his whiskers vibrated and got back on the wheel.

“Slap it silly and deep fry it,” the Muse reiterated.

‘Let me see if I understand this correctly.” The hamster had been walking on the wheel for a few seconds now and the images were becoming clearer.

“You want me to slap and deep fry my BRAIN? Is that the gist of it?” I asked feeling nauseated by the idea. I imagined a jelly like mound being slapped around until it was bluer than an overcooked egg and then deep fried until blue-brown. Not entirely my idea of appetising.

‘Yes, but only to wake it up out of its slumber. I don’t think a kiss from a prince would suffice, dear and you tend to turn into a frog yourself when accosted by one,” she said looking at me over huge polka dotted sun glasses.

This will truly fry your brain